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Jackets and Jac-Shirts


The following discussions are all about the traditional red "jac-shirt". Also shown here are examples of the jac-shirt. As I find examples of the earlier green and blue ones, I'll add them here as well.


Chris Gagliano wrote and asked first "What in the world are we talking about??"


                                                    Red Jac-Shirt (notice the BSA oval on the left pocket)


                                                     Randy Woo (Randy Worchester) provided some information about                                                                  the history of this special garment:


                                                    According to several of the Philmont histories, the jac-shirt began                                                                     with Dr. E. K. Fretwell, the Chief Scout Executive in Philmont's early                                                               days. In 1944, he brought up the idea of an outdoorsman shirt. He                                                                   later sent a red shirt to Minor Huffman, Philmont's first General                                                                         Manager. Fretwell had Huffman trace the bull in the tile at one of                                                                       the entrances to Philmont for a patch for the red shirt. The first few shirts                                                         were made by J.A. Brewster of Camden, Maine. In August, 1946, Fretwell gave each of the regional executives a red shirt with the bull on it.


(Thanks, Randy!)


The BSA partnered with Woolrich to develop several jackets, starting in 1949. The first jackets were green wool jackets designed primarily for the professional cadre to wear. It was called the "Scout Executive's Jacket" for several years. In 1952, Woolrich designed a jacket for Boy Scout professionals and volunteers to wear in green. Fearing complaints from the people behind The Masters' golf tournament, and because the BSA was moving toward a new "color scheme" to identify itself through, the BSA asked Woolrich to develop a unique jacket for it's Scouts and Scouters attending Philmont Scout Ranch and Explorer Base in the middle 50s. The red jac-shirt (not quite a jacket, more than a shirt!) was developed, fielded, and everyone loved it from day one.


The older versions -- and you can tell by feel -- are 100 percent wool. The new ones (developed in the late 60s) are wool and polyester blended (I think a 70-30 is NOT 100 percent wool!!) and still there were one version made in the middle 70s which was 100 percent wool and Scotchgarded (tm), which gave it a different feel too.


In 1972 (pay attention fellow collectors of Scouting items!! I'm looking for ONE OF THESE IN A LARGE OR EXTRA LARGE SIZE PLEASE!!), the BSA created a blue version of the jac-shirt originally for Exploring leaders. It was spun out at the 1973 National Explorer Presidents' Congress (NEPC) along with a eight-inch NEPC back patch. The BSA was hoping that with the success of the red jac-shirt by the Order of the Arrow members (and now by National Eagle Scout Association members, both organizations "made" the red jac-shirt "theirs" for wear by their memberships), the blue one would do the same for the Exploring's youth.


                                                   Backside of the jac-shirt. The Order of the Arrow (OA), the National                                                                Eagle Scout Association (NESA) and the BSA's Jamboree Service have                                                        all "pinned" the jac-shirt as their "official" outer garment wear. The                                                                    large Jamboree/BSA contingent emblem or the large NESA, OA or                                                                  International Activities emblem (only ONE) is placed centered as                                                                      shown in this case.


                                                   It failed. Explorers were not interested in wearing anything which                                                                      "looked like Scouting" and this jacket was just dipped in blue dyes and                                                            the buttons were changed from red to blue. They didn't even bother                                                                  changing the tag to add the Exploring "Big E".


                                                   In 1975 and 76, the BSA tried to sell the jac-shirt to Cub Scouters, because                                                    it was the same color as the Cub Scout Blue uniforms. No dice. By this time, ALL Scouters wanted to wear the same "red jackets" made famous by those participating in Jamborees, in the OA or as NESA members.

So, in 1976, the BSA said "no more blue jac-shirts!" and people like Mike Walton (who had the $40 back then to buy one but they ran out!) was out of luck (unless he or she runs across one in their size on eBay)!


The jac-shirt is a durable thing....not very practical in the field -- I would have liked the BSA to develop one with reflective cuffs or a bottom edge so that Scouts and Scouters can be better seen in the dark in the woods....but hey, I don't develop the stuff..I just pester my wife enough to have her to break down and allow me to get it! *laughter*


It HAS proven it's value at Philmont and during national and world Jamborees, which is why the BSA has kept it with the same design as originally designed back in the 50s.


Josie Petermeier wrote and asked:

My question is: What is the reason/logic why no patches go on the red jacket except the Philmont bull?

Tradition. That's the only reason.


You can put any patch anywhere on the jac-shirt. While the BSA has some rules about what should be placed where, the jac-shirt is yours and you can place any patch anywhere you want to.


Before 1972, the BSA didn't really care what you did with your jac-shirt. They still don't really care, but they did provide some guidelines as to what should go on the jac-shirt and where.


                                                   That was the way it was before 1972, when Scouters wore the jac-                                                                  shirt. Not everyone had the red (or blue) jac-shirt. It was so expensive                                                            (the price hasn't moved since 1984 and before that, it was only $50...a                                                            lot of money back then when a complete Scout uniform went for $12),                                                              that it was considered a "high prestige item". And the tradition                                                                          started from there. You filled that bad boy up with patches because it                                                              was yours and you paid the high price for were going to use it!


                                                   My Cubmaster says that when he was in boy scouts that they put all their                                                      patches on there. Like the cubs do their brag vest, hence the red felt Vest. I                                                    have seen red shirt Jacs on e-bay that had a lot of old patches on too.


                                                   Yep. That all changed in 1972. In that year, after complaints from Scouters and others about "those people wearing just about anything on the shirt" (they considered it a shirt, not a jacket back then), the BSA placed down some rules.


But when I was at wood badge and other gatherings of scouters, Webelos Leader Outdoor training, No one was wearing any patches, except a couple guys had a big OA patch on the back...


Yep. Tradition. Nothing more.


There are five kinds of patches that "officially" can go on the jac-shirt:


On the backside should be ONE large six to eight-inch patch. It could be the OA patch (the old or new one), or it could beone of several other kinds of large patches:


-National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) emblem

-National Camping School emblem

-Council Summer Camp back patch emblem

-National Outdoor ("High") Adventure Base jacket emblem

-Scoutmaster/Advisor Award of Merit emblem

-National or World Jamboree official jacket emblem

-BSA Contingent to World Jamboree official jacket emblem

-BSA International Activities jacket emblem

-Jacket version of the World Crest emblem

-Jacket version of Philmont "Arrowhead" emblem

-Order of the Arrow Lodge jacket (backpatch) emblem

-BSA 85th Anniversary large Chenille emblem

-BSA Supply Division "Scout Stuff" emblem


Nothing else should be worn on the backside of the jac-shirt.


On the front right pocket can go ONE of any leadership development patches (the old Leadership Corps patch, a patch from Philmont or Schiff Training Centers) or a pocket patch from a Council's leadership development course or the BSA's National Junior Leadership Development program at Philmont Scout Ranch.


On the left front pocket can go EITHER the BSA's universal emblem in an oval, the old Exploring emblem or the Cub Scout emblem. Most Scouts and Scouters wear the "universal oval" patch. The current Venturing emblem may now go centered on the left front pocket.












Over the left shoulder goes one of the felt patches representing

attendance at one of the BSA's National Outdoor ("High") Adventure bases. There's a canoe oar (Northern Tier or the old Region Six Canoe Base), the Philmont bull, the Maine loon, the Sea Base porpoise, and I don't remember what Land Between the Lakes Gateway used. One of them is worn at a time.


And over the left pocket the National Explorer Presidents' Congress or National Venturing Conference patch with or without the National Cabinet "rocker" (segment) can be worn if the person hasn't been to a national high adventure base.


But the Supply Division will be the first to tell you that you've bought the jac-shirt, you can place anything you want on it anywhere you want to place it.


It's yours.


Rik Bergethon wrote and asked:


Somewhere in this discussion, somebody referred to the red, wool shirt-jac, made by the Woolrich Company, as "official." I always thought it was "optional" wear, and therefore the uniform laws did not apply. Thanks to Mike Walton, I do indeed have the correct patches in the right spot.


*blushing* Thanks, Ric!


As I understand it from the old timers/uniform police in our council, the red shirt-jac was "adopted" by the OA as part of their uniform. Thus the big OA patch on the back. Am I wrong here?


The "old-timers" are right...but then, the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) and the BSA's Jamboree Service has "adopted" the red shirt-jac (or "jac-shirt") as their "official jacket" and as part of the official uniforming of those groups.


As such, the large version (not necessarily the "six-inch version") of the Jamboree patch or the BSA contingent patch emblem or the large eight-inch National Eagle Scout Association patch ("proper uniforming" only provides for ONE such large emblem -- not two, three or "as many as I can sew onto the backside of my jac-shirt") to be worn at a time. I'm beginning to *appreciate*, the same rules apply to the lighter-weight poplin or cotton red jackets.


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Backside of my lighter-weight cotton red jacket


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I have a cotton red jacket (again, after almost 20 years!) and am looking for a poplin red and blue jacket (large, please!) with the zipper over the left breast to wear as well. Today was the first day I wore my "new" cotton red jacket with the 1977 National Scout Jamboree emblem on the upper center and it felt great! *smiling*


Shown is the front of a jac-shirt showing the generic oval, indicating program

Shown is Philmont Bull emblem (tail indicates whether or not went over Old Baldy on the Philmont reservation)

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