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The 10 Essentials

By Karen Berger

Photographs by John R. Fulton Jr.


Don't leave home for the outdoors without these basic items. They could save your life.


THE 10 ESSENTIALS are items every outdoor adventurer should include in his or her pack. The original list was devised in the 1930's by The Mountaineers, a Seattle-based hiking, climbing, and conservation organization, whose members get out in some truly dreadful weather—including in the rainy North Cascades, along the Olympic Peninsula, and on such snow-covered peaks as Mount Rainier.

The Mountaineers' essentials list was designed to keep climbers safe in case of accident, injury, or misadventure. Over time, like any classic, the list has been used and altered, but the core remains the same. Seventy years later, the list is included in many outdoor guides, including the latest edition of the Boy Scout Fieldbook.

Here's what you need—and why.


1. Pocket Knife or Multipurpose Tool

These enable you to cut strips of cloth into bandages,

remove splinters, fix broken eyeglasses, and perform a

host of repairs on malfunctioning gear—not to mention

cut cheese and open cans.


2. First Aid Kit

Prepackaged first-aid kits for hikers are available at

outfitters, but you can customize your kit with your

favorite blister treatment and ointments for common

outdoor ailments (a topical antihistamine, for example,

to take care of itches and rashes). Double your

effectiveness with knowledge: Take a 16-hour Wilderness

First Aid Basics course from the Ameri-can Red Cross.


3. Extra Clothing

Above timberline, bring one more clothing layer than you

think you'll need. Two rules: Avoid cotton (it dries slowly

and keeps moisture close to your skin), and always carry

a hat. A windproof, water-resistant fleece jacket can help

you withstand ornery mountain conditions. Plastic baggies

or extra socks can help keep hands warm.


4. Flashlight or Headlamp with Extra Batteries

Headlamps and flashlights allow you to find your way in

the dark or signal for help. Headlamps are convenient for

hands-free use.


5. Rain Gear

Remember that high mountains make their own weather,

and storms can erupt suddenly and violently. Even in a

temperate summer forest, a dousing rain can quickly chill

you to the point of hypothermia. Rain gear protects against

not only rain, but also wind, cold, and even insects.


6. Water Bottles

Without enough water, your body's muscles and organs

simply can't perform as well. You'll be susceptible to

hypothermia and altitude sickness, not to mention the

abject misery of raging thirst. Al-xways carry plenty of

water and stop often to drink.


7. Map and Compass

A map not only tells where you are and how far you have

to go, it can help you find campsites, water, and an

emergency exit route in case of an accident. A compass

helps you find your way through unfamiliar terrain—

especially in bad weather where you can't see the

landmarks. A GPS (global positioning system) can also

help—but it is no substitute for knowing how to read a map.


8. Matches and Fire Starters

The warmth of a fire and a hot drink can help prevent

hypothermia. Also, a fire can be a signal for help if you get

lost. Carry matches and a small amount of fire starter

protected in zipper-locking bags. Dripping candle wax on

match tips helps waterproof them. Commercially available

windproof and waterproof matches are also a good choice.

Fire starter is anything flammable, from pocket lint to

filled-in journal pages. Pine needles and birch bark make

especially good starter, even when wet.


9. Sun Protection and Sunglasses

Especially above timberline, when there is a skin-scorching

combination of sun and snow, you'll need sun-glasses to

prevent snow blindness and sunscreen to prevent sunburn.

Buy sunglasses that are ultraviolet ray (UV) resis-tant and

have side flaps (ventilating holes that keep them from fogging).

Don't use sunscreen that's been sitting in your medicine

cabinet for a season or more: It has probably lost at least

some of the effectiveness of its sun-protection factor (SPF),

a rating of how well and how long the sunscreen will keep

you from getting sunburned. A light-colored hat with a wide

brim is also an effective sun deterrent. In desert conditions,

consider using a long-sleeved light shirt and lightweight

loose-fitting long pants. Zipper-off legs give more versatility.


10. Trail Food

Nothing boosts energy and spirits as much as a quick trail snack. See the Outdoor Smarts column in Scouting's September 2003 issue for suggestions. You can make your own trail mix

with nuts, raisins, banana chips, and chocolate bits. The combination of sugar, fats, and potassium tastes great and provides quick energy, long-lasting calories, and replacement electrolytes. Always take a bit more food than you think you will need. A lot of things could keep you out longer than expected, like a lengthy detour, get-ting lost, an injury, or difficult terrain.


Karen Berger's latest book, More Everyday Wisdom (Mountaineers Books), answers scores of outdoor questions. Visit her at

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